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[ШАБЛОН] The7 7.9.0

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Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme NULLED
New: "Multipurpose carousel" widget for Elementor. Allows to upload/choose arbitrary image/icon; add title, text, and button. Comes with a ton of different layouts and settings

Improved: WPML compatibility.
Fixed: issue with "wide" posts breaking the mobile layout (number of columns) in the "Blog masonry & grid" element.
Fixed: issue with country selector not working in the WooCommerce checkout screen.
Fixed: issue with images not loading until the "load more" button is being clicked in the "Media Grid" element.
Fixed: issue with the "name/date" and the "asc./desc." ordering not working in standard pagination mode in the "Portfolio" element.
Other minor improvements and under-the-hood fixes.
Attention! If you are updating from The7 v.7.7.5, please make sure to update The7 Elements plugin to v.2.1.7 (via Dashboard > Updates or The7 > Plugins). Otherwise, the update will cause a PHP error.

1. New: "Hotel" demo (https://the7.io/hotel/)
2. Improved: styling for Hotel Booking Lite plugin.
3. Fixed: Icon shortcode behavior when a link is not set.
Other minor improvements and under-the-hood fixes.