• Гость! Рекомендуем популярный, стабильный и недорогой хостинг!
Bimber  NULLED

[ШАБЛОН] Bimber NULLED 9.1

Нет прав для скачивания
Вирусный шаблон журнала WordPress
VERSION 9.1 - major update - 24 May 2021

# NEW - AdsMania demo
# NEW - AdAce plugin: Ad Free module
# NEW - AdAce plugin: New ad slot "Full Screen Vignette"
# NEW - AdAce plugin: New ad slot "Before pagination"
# NEW - AdAce plugin: New ad slot "After pagination"
# NEW - AdAce plugin: Custom Ad, Link field predefined URLs

# Improved - CommentAce plugin: GIPHY attribution as a logo
# Improved - AdAce plugin integration: background color option for the Before the Header Theme Area Slot
# Improved - Mailchimp plugin integration: form submission without reloading

# Fixed - Snax plugin: Broken Audio/Video item upload form
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Referral link edition on the backend
# Fixed - Spacing between category labels
# Fixed - Gutenberg Large Quote: no size change

VERSION 9.0.3 - minor update - 22 April 2021

# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: the Register page has got some rendering glitches
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: outdated translations
# Fixed - BuddyPress Followers Widget: display only one member
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: too few arguments for the comment_text filter
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: default featured image
# Fixed - Snax plugin: media dialog not opening for Link/External Product, when auto-fetching fails
# Fixed - PHP 8.x incompatibilities

VERSION 9.0.2 - minor update - 15 April 2021

# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: v5.2.0 template compatibility
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: cart totals rendering glitch
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: CSS fixes
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: Recent Comments now works on BuddyPress Single Member Profile
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: voting with empty score
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: when guest voting is off, the login popup breaks
# Fixed - Snax plugin: wrong number of all questions when shuffle on
# Fixed - Snax plugin: media dialog not opening for quiz/poll, on the frontend
# Fixed - What's Your Reaction plugin: minor css fix
# Fixed - "Invalid Post Type" error, on the second search try for posts, on the backend
# Fixed - Minor template warnings

VERSION 9.0.1 - minor update - 9 April 2021

# Fixed - Posts widget: sorting by views
# Fixed - BuddyPress Nouveau: CSS fixes
# Fixed - Snax plugin: headers sent
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: script breaks when guest commenting is off

VERSION 9.0 - major update - 8 April 2021

# NEW - CommentAce plugin
# NEW - Gags demo
# NEW - Taxonomy Filter Widget
# NEW - Random Posts Home Filter
# NEW - Snax plugin: only Upvote option
# NEW - Snax plugin: edit/delete all formats
# NEW - Snax plugin: edit/delete directly from a post (for owners)
# NEW - MediaAce plugin: default featured image
# NEW - WooCommerce plugin integration: Reactions support
# NEW - WooCommerce plugin integration: Voting support
# NEW - BuddyPress plugin integration: navigation between profiles
# NEW - BuddyPress plugin integration: Nouveau Template Pack support
# NEW - G1 Socials plugin: Telegram added
# NEW - WordPress 5.7 compatibility
# NEW - PHP 8.0 compatibility
# NEW - WooCommerce 5.x compatibility
# NEW - BuddyPress 7.x compatibility

# Improved - G1 Socials plugin: support for Instagram media type "Carousel Album"
# Improved - WP Bakery plugin latest version
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version

# Fixed - schema.org integration: missing date of publication
# Fixed - Unwanted comma between categories
# Fixed - Homepage Featured Entries: some templates don't show call to action buttons
# Fixed - Gutenberg Editor: Image round corners
# Fixed - Gutenberg Editor: table colors
# Fixed - Gutenberg Editor: paragraph colors
# Fixed - Gutenberg Editor: social links block
# Fixed - Gutenberg Editor: buttons block
# Fixed - Home Filters not responsive
# Fixed - Header Builder: RTL issues
# Fixed - Posts widget: tags filtering doesn't work when sorting by views
# Fixed - Posts widget: custom post types that support a selected taxonomy not included
# Fixed - AMP plugin integration: menu label on/off issue
# Fixed - AMP plugin integration: category custom colors
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: Dark Mode issues on the My Account page
# Fixed - Snax plugin integration: dark mode issue with a versus poll teaser widget
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Votes component permalinks
# Fixed - Snax plugin: items detached from a list
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Login Popup broken links "Resend activation link" and "Lost password?"
# Fixed - Snax plugin: snax_item post type archive page disabled
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Browse Files button for items broken on iOS
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: image sizes deactivation
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: meta box warnings
# Fixed - Elementor plugin integration: Bimber Posts widget broken preview for custom post types
# Fixed - Youzer plugin integration: missing posts on Profile page
# Fixed - PHP warnings
# Fixed - PHP deprecated functions

VERSION 8.6.3 - minor update - 21 January 2021

# Improved - Featured Entries support for quizzes and polls
# Improved - AdAce plugin: Date archives support for ad slots
# Improved - Snax plugin: option to hide the info "Browse and Manage your votes"
# Improved - What's Your Reaction plugin: supported post types option added
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version

# Fixed - MediaElement library loaded condition check
# Fixed - GIF player on mobile can't be paused
# Fixed - Snax plugin: History collection broken pagination
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Redirects infinite loop on BP private pages
# Fixed - Snax plugin: do not log activity for guests
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Quiz/Poll activities not logged
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Permalinks structure not applied for BP custom components
# Fixed - G1 Socials plugin: broken links to Documentation

VERSION 8.6.2 - minor update - 23 December 2020

# Improved - WP Bakery plugin latest version

# Fixed - Version 8.6.1 not recognized by auto-updater
# Fixed - Old video (embed) not stripped from post content
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: Shop the Post block for Embed code requires WooCommerce

VERSION 8.6.1 - minor update - 17 December 2020

# Improved - myCRED plugin: points (new hook) for the owner for voting on his post/item
# Improved - AdAce plugin: Sponsors taxonomy support for Quizzes and Polls
# Improved - What's Your Reaction plugin: Reactions taxonomy support for Polls
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version

# Fixed - Video (embed) not stripped from post content
# Fixed - Submenu inside the footer causes scrollbars
# Fixed - Misaligned tagline inside the center column
# Fixed - Ads menu available on Dashboard for Snax Author role
# Fixed - Polls menu available on Dashboard for Snax Author role
# Fixed - WPBakery Page Builder plugin integration: responsive videos
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: off-canvas doesn't work on a single product page
# Fixed - Mashshare plugin integration: square brackets in post title breaks the share buttons
# Fixed - Restrict Content Pro plugin integration: missing checkboxes
# Fixed - Snax plugin: quiz accessible on password protected page
# Fixed - Snax plugin: poll accessible on password protected page
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Browse Files dialog doesn't work for the item submission form, on a list

VERSION 8.6 - major update - 19 November 2020

# NEW - WordPress 5.6 compatibility
# NEW - WooCommerce 4.7 compatibility
# NEW - PHP 7.4 compatibility
# NEW - Facebook and Instagram embeds support
# NEW - Snax plugin: option to define the number of quiz questions per page
# NEW - Snax plugin: preloading iconfonts for better speed
# NEW - G1 Socials plugin: preloading iconfonts for better speed

# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder plugin latest version
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version
# Improved - Youzer plugin latest version
# Improved - Snax plugin: keep the current URL after logging in via social networks
# Improved - Documentation: Facebook Social Login
# Improved - Documentation: Google Social Login
# Improved - Documentation: Instagram Social Login
# Improved - Documentation: LinkedIn Social Login

# Fixed - User Nav: redirect to link if drop content not exists
# Fixed - Post Collection: rendering glitches on mobiles
# Fixed - Newsletter Popup: cover image won't load without lazy loading
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: ad slot groups select not loaded when random type selected
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: default expire header removed
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: cropping doesn't work properly
# Fixed - Snax plugin: broken pagination on BuddyPress profile > Collections
# Fixed - Snax plugin: URL var change resets BuddyPress modules
# Fixed - Snax plugin: incorrect repetition cycle for the ad slot "After X Snax Items"
# Fixed - Snax plugin: item navigation loads on the search results page
# Fixed - Snax plugin: reCaptcha rendered on every login popup opening
# Fixed - Snax plugin: BuddyPress components reset on permalinks save
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Collections pagination base omit type param
# Fixed - What's Your Reaction plugin: BuddyPress components reset on permalinks save
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: Edit Profile page has got the wrong spacing
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: social login buttons rendering glitch
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: Profile > Settings > Lost Password link broken
# Fixed - Download Monitor plugin integration: download button rendering glitch
# Fixed - myCRED plugin integration: user's points rounded incorrectly in the user nav dropdown

VERSION 8.5.1 - minor update - 8 October 2020

# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder plugin latest version

# Fixed - Masonry template: rendering glitches on Safari
# Fixed - Search field: unified design of the cancel button
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: not published ads still displayed
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: missing translations
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Browse button inactive for hidden forms
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Collection redirects to 404 after clearing items
# Fixed - Off-canvas background image issue with lazy loading
# Fixed - Dark Mode: social icons color issue
# Fixed - Comments backward compatibility

VERSION 8.5 - major update - 24 September 2020

# NEW - Video tutorials
# NEW - Documentation rewritten

# Improved - AdAce plugin: jQuery Migrate warnings
# Improved - Compatibility with menu visibility control plugins like If Menu
# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder plugin latest version
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version

# Fixed - Grid post templates: better responsiveness
# Fixed - Snax plugin: misaligned icons on Windows
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Browse button doesn't work on mobile, in tabs
# Fixed - Snax plugin: line break tags are stripped from Froala content
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: YT related videos option removed as no longer supported by YT
# Fixed - Elementor: multiple categories selection in Bimber Collection widget

VERSION 8.3.6 - minor update - 10 September 2020

# Improved - Elementor 3.x compatibility
# Improved - Snax plugin: quiz / poll setup inherits from single post options
# Improved - Snax plugin: quiz / poll has own single page options, on backend
# Improved - Youzer latest version

# Fixed - RTL: Masonry template has got wrong order
# Fixed - Page Builder integrations: "Index" collection doesn't work
# Fixed - Youzer plugin: login popup
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: ad blocker detected popup

VERSION 8.3.5 - minor update - 2 September 2020

# NEW - G1 Socials plugin: added Twitch social media profile

# Improved - Google Fonts: added font-display property with swap value
# Improved - Google Fonts: added "preconnect" as resource hint
# Improved - Dark Mode Switcher: causes layout shifts in GPSI
# Improved - Youzer latest version

# Fixed - Snax plugin: AMP_QUERY_VAR not defined
# Fixed - Snax plugin: shortcodes/html not allowed for a list item, even if added from backend
# Fixed - Spotify embeds are not responsive

VERSION 8.3.4 - minor update - 27 August 2020

# NEW - WooCommerce: v4.4 templates compatibility

# Improved - Snax plugin: Google branding requirements for social login buttons
# Improved - Snax plugin: allow Instagram embed code without captions
# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder latest version
# Improved - Youzer latest version

# Fixed - Instagram not loaded via auto load next post (single)
# Fixed - Instagram not loaded via load more (archives)
# Fixed - Gutenberg: custom column widths
# Fixed - Single Post Page: entry-meta responsiveness issues
# Fixed - Archive Template "Stream": responsive twitter embed issue
# Fixed - Youzer plugin integration: user badges are too big

VERSION 8.3.3 - minor update - 14 August 2020

# NEW - WordPress 5.5 compatibility

# Improved - Snax plugin: allow shortcodes for items, on a list
# Improved - Youzer latest version

# Fixed - Comments not visible
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: ad slot toggle handle misplaced, in settings

VERSION 8.3.2 - minor update - 5 August 2020

# NEW - Typography: blockquote font control
# NEW - Social Media Profiles: TikTok

# Improved - Snax plugin: Remember me added on Login Popup
# Improved - What's Your Reaction plugin: sort reactions in a single post header, most voted first
# Improved - AMP: added amp_post_template_body_open action
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons latest version
# Improved - Youzer latest version

# Fixed - Quick Nav Icons: unwanted gradients
# Fixed - Entry action links: z-index issue
# Fixed - Categories Block: include_ids attribute doesn't work for subcategories
# Fixed - Header Builder: color changes are not visible in the Live Customizer
# Fixed - Newsletter: avatar doesn't show up
# Fixed - Archive Pages: proper main collection title based on applied filter
# Fixed - Text and Background colors for category labels
# Fixed - "Minimal" Style has got no background gradients inside tiles
# Fixed - Right/Left image alignment on mobile devices
# Fixed - Missing module Show Promoted Products in the footer modules
# Fixed - Mega Menu: wrong indentation for nested sub-menus
# Fixed - GIFs: bigger files are not responsive
# Fixed - Single Post Pagination: setting "Overview" to "none" hides the whole pagination
# Fixed - AMP plugin integration: header spacing issues
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: up to date templates
# Fixed - Snax plugin: wrong author URL for an item comment, on a list
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Permalinks > Snax > URL variable not used for format taxonomy
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Ranked Link saved as a draft is loaded as Open List
# Fixed - Snax plugin: 0 value not allowed as quiz/poll answer
# Fixed - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin: Bimber custom postions settings

VERSION 8.3.1 - minor update - 18 June 2020

# NEW - G1 Socials plugin: Odnoklassniki social profile icon
# NEW - G1 Socials plugin: VKontake social profile icon
# NEW - G1 Socials plugin: Option to define user's active social profiles
WP Dashboard > Settings > G1 Socials > Users

# Fixed - Search Form inside the Header: wrong colors
# Fixed - Missing translations
# Fixed - Snax plugin: remove quiz question on backend
# Fixed - Snax plugin: OK.ru auth failed due to wrong encoding
# Fixed - What's Your Reaction plugin: all reactions by Anonymous

VERSION 8.3 - major update - 10 June 2020

# NEW - News demo
# NEW - Option to choose whether to display date of publication, modification or both:
Customize > Posts > General > Date to Display - for collections
Customize > Posts > Single > Date to Display - for a single post
# NEW - Snax plugin: Odnoklassniki social login network

# Improved - Youzer latest version

# Fixed - List Template: rendering glitches when highlighted items are available
# Fixed - RSS feed: the "More" link is invalid
# Fixed - Site Title doesn't use the Accent Color setting
# Fixed - Footer Sidebars are empty but still take some place
# Fixed - Snax plugin: quiz/poll delete buttons have no translations applied

VERSION 8.2 - major update - 28 May 2020

# NEW - Elementor final integration

# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons latest version
# Improved - Youzer latest version

# Fixed - What's Your Reaction plugin: reactions value formatting (by locale)
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: Cover Image Upload doesn't work

VERSION 8.1.4 - minor update - 14 May 2020

# Improved - Snax plugin: sticky toolbar for Story format
# Improved - Text color has got more contrast now in both light and dark modes

# Fixed - Text Logo and Tagline color issues
# Fixed - Image alignment on mobile devices
# Fixed - Mobile Menu: the "Go to ..." link helper is no longer visible for empty links
# Fixed - Lazyloaded embeds: responsiveness issue
# Fixed - Featured Entries on custom post type archive pages
# Fixed - RTL: single post CSS issues
# Fixed - Snax plugin: ads between quiz/poll questions break them
# Fixed - Snax plugin: do not load empty submission form, under the login popup, for guests
# Fixed - Mashshare plugin: post type doesn't get into account for custom positions
# Fixed - WooCommerce Plugin Integration: single product page misaligned if no reviews and empty description
# Fixed - Elementor Plugin Integration: post collection glitches

VERSION 8.1.3 - minor update - 30 April 2020

# Improved - Snax plugin: TikTok support

# Fixed - Single Post Template (Background Boxed + Sidebar v2 ): misaligned gradient
# Fixed - Responsive Embed issues
# Fixed - Video caption margin-top is too big
# Fixed - Latest page always visible in Off-Canvas menu
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: "Join Group" button is too small
# Fixed - Snax plugin: missing translations
# Fixed - Snax plugin: post publish date changes after edition
# Fixed - Snax plugin: format archive title and description don't support custom labels
# Fixed - Snax plugin: sticky posts in collections
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: missing translations
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: Lighbox Gallery ads, on mobile

VERSION 8.1.2 - minor update - 11 April 2020

# Fixed - Too wide container of auto loaded posts

VERSION 8.1.1 - minor update - 9 April 2020

# NEW - WordPress 5.4 compatibility
# NEW - Youzer plugin latest version

# Improved - Spartan font is now called from Google Fonts Directory not via font-face
# Improved - Snax plugin: social avatar used as default BuddyPress profile photo
# Improved - Snax plugin: prevent caching (HTTP cache) of frontend submission pages

# Fixed - Freebies Demo: rounded corners glitch for Featured Entries
# Fixed - Featured Entries: gutter between tiles causes horizontal scrollbar
# Fixed - Entry featured media has got no bottom margin
# Fixed - Off-Canvas Menus: some submenus don't expand
# Fixed - Dynamic CSS caching
# Fixed - Auto loaded posts are placed in wrong container (making them narrower, on each load)
# Fixed - Affiliate demo: Elementor page broken
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: incorrect slot size when it is not visible on page load
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: all users with backend access can edit shoppable image pins
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Facebook share result for Personality quiz
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Twitter share result encoding
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Link format wrong encoding
# Fixed - Snax plugin: comments off after adding updating a list/gallery

VERSION 8.1 - major update - 19 March 2020

# NEW - Snax plugin, Poll: View question results button added
# NEW - Snax plugin, Poll: Option to allow/disallow multiple voting (for a single poll)
# NEW - Snax plugin, Poll: Option to allow/disallow guests voting (for a single poll)
# NEW - Snax plugin, Poll: Option to show/hide results (for a single poll)
# NEW - Snax plugin, Poll: Show "Take a poll" CTA button when a poll is auto loaded
# NEW - Snax plugin, Poll: "Duplicate" poll action added (available from WP Admin > Polls list)
# NEW - Snax plugin, Poll: Fake views metabox added (for a single poll)
# NEW - Youzer plugin: latest version
# NEW - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin: latest version

# Improved - Mailchimp integration for WPML
# Improved - Snax plugin, Poll: "Settings" link added under WP Admin > Polls

# Fixed - Elementor plugin integration: no margins around featured images
# Fixed - Youzer plugin integration: rendering glitches
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: shop archive title has got wrong color
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: directory search form has got no bottom margin
# Fixed - Freebies Demo: rendering glitch when hovering entry-featured-media
# Fixed - Dark Mode: select field rendering glitch on Windows 7
# Fixed - User Nav: RTL rendering glitch
# Fixed - Snax plugin: collection broken endpoints
# Fixed - Snax plugin: missing translation for popup Close button
# Fixed - Snax plugin: empty total number of questions on quiz results page
# Fixed - Snax plugin, Poll: share buttons don't work with Facebook widget on the same page
# Fixed - Snax plugin, Poll: Settings tab misplaced on RTL
# Fixed - Snax plugin, Poll: related post types are not removed when poll removed
# Fixed - G1 Socials plugin: unnecessary condition removed
# Fixed - PHP warnings related to share positions

VERSION 8.0.2 - minor update - 6 March 2020

# Fixed - ESSB plugin: missing condition check

VERSION 8.0.1 - minor update - 5 March 2020

# NEW - Lazy loading of Off-Canvas background image

# Fixed - Snax plugin: inaccurate list items counter (no items, items counted twice)
# Fixed - Snax plugin: missing translations
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: Lightbox gallery thumbnail navigation
# Fixed - ESSB plugin: custom locations appear everywhere, without checking post type
# Fixed - Auto Load Next Post broken when Shares are off
# Fixed - Customizer image paths

VERSION 8.0 - major update - 20 February 2020

# NEW - BuddyPress plugin: lazy loading of profile cover images
# NEW - Download Monitor Plugin: conditional loading of CSS files
# NEW - WPML Plugin: conditional loading of CSS files

# Improved - Lazy loading of images
# Improved - Lazy loading of self-hosted videos
# Improved - Lazy loading of embedded content
# Improved - Lazy loading of "heavy" widgets
# Improved - Lazy loading of logo images
# Improved - Modular CSS code
# Improved - Modular JavaScript code
# Improved - Optimized CSS code for RTL sites
# Improved - Minified CSS code
# Improved - Minified JavaScript code
# Improved - Removed old syntax from CSS code
# Improved - WooCommerce plugin integration: conditional loading of CSS files
# Improved - BuddyPress plugin integration: conditional loading of CSS files
# Improved - bbPress plugin integration: conditional loading of CSS files
# Improved - myCRED plugin integration: conditional loading of CSS files
# Improved - Snax plugin integration: conditional loading of CSS files
# Improved - MashShare plugin integration: conditional loading of CSS files
# Improved - Elementor Page Builder plugin integration: conditional loading of CSS files
# Improved - Youzer plugin integration: conditional loading of CSS files
# Improved - Allow not published pages to be injected into homepage
# Improved - MediaAce plugin: run unused image sizes detection on demand
# Improved - Snax plugin: Login/Register button on a poll/quiz integrated with login popup

# Fixed - Wrong image path for Pinterest post content image share button
# Fixed - PHP warnings

VERSION 7.8 - major update - 13 February 2020

# NEW - Shares hub (WP Admin > Appearance > Theme Options > Shares)
# NEW - Snax plugin: added Snax Overview Dashboard Widget

# Fixed - The "Coupon Inside" flag is sometimes hidden
# Fixed - Landing Page for external link has got no logo
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin: Price Filter Widget: color glitches
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin: Rating Filter Widget: color glitches
# Fixed - WPML plugin: global featured entries
# Fixed - WPML plugin: Don't Miss collection
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: Shop the Post rendering glitch

VERSION 7.7.2 - minor update - 3 February 2020

# NEW - Lazy loading of logo images
# NEW - Lazy loading of newsletter popup cover image
# NEW - Lazy loading of footer stamp
# NEW - G1 Socials plugin: lazy loading of SnapChat related images
# NEW - G1 Socials plugin: lazy loading of Facebook widget
# NEW - MediaAce plugin: lazy loading of BuddyPress avatars

# Improved - WooCommerce 3.9.0 compatible templates

# Fixed - Single Post Template "Classic V3": padding issues
# Fixed - Off-canvas Menus: displays mega menu for single category
# Fixed - Dark Mode: applies even if there's no Dark Mode switcher
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin: the "Close" button for site-wide notices is misaligned
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Format archive empty when WooCommerce is active
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Report link for List Item always visible
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: disabled lazy loading causes avatar rendering glitches
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: missing video play icon
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: ads inside Lighbox Gallery
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: misisng video play icon

VERSION 7.7.1 - minor update - 16 January 2020

# NEW - What's Your Reaction plugin: added option to show/hide the Single Member Profile Link under reactions.
# NEW - MediaAce: lazy loading of all avatars
# NEW - MediaAce: lazy loading of YouTube video posters
# NEW - MediaAce: added font-display for better font loading

# Improved - Youzer: replace Snax Login Popup with Youzer Login Popup
# Improved - Youzer: Biographical info used in author info box

# Fixed - Written By Box: misaligned avatar
# Fixed - User Menu: misaligned for logged in users
# Fixed - Archive Masonry template doesn't support subtitles
# Fixed - Archive Stream template uses the same (left) ad slot for both sidebars
# Fixed - Bimber_Color class not loaded
# Fixed - Dynamic styles SSL
# Fixed - JQuery Timeago date format
# Fixed - Gutenberg Editor: aligment issues
# Fixed - Gutenberg Editor: YouTube videos are not visible
# Fixed - AMP: Hamburger Menu Label is always visible
# Fixed - Restrict Content Pro plugin: Dark Mode fixes
# Fixed - Snax: missing collection icon
# Fixed - Snax: "Question x of y" is not translatable
# Fixed - MediaAce Gallery Lightbox: thumbnails preview is not always responsive
# Fixed - G1 Socials plugin: depreciated networks are rendered as empty ones

VERSION 7.7 - major update - 19 December 2019

# NEW - Automatic detection of unused image sizes
# NEW - Free | Paid home filters
# NEW - Option to show|hide "Back to Top" button
# NEW - theme-color meta tag option
# NEW - AdAce plugin: Repeat After X Snax items option
# NEW - AdAce plugin: image ads are now lazy loaded if MediaAce plugin is available
# NEW - AdAce plugin: added "Settings" shortcut to the admin menu
# NEW - WordPress Popular Posts 5.x compatibility
# NEW - WordPress 5.3.2 compatibility
# NEW - WP Bakery plugin upgraded to the latest version 6.1

# Improved - Lazy Loading without jumping content
# Improved - Customizer: preview Logo margins without page refresh
# Improved - Customizer: preview Mobile Logo margins without page refresh
# Improved - Customizer: preview Primary Nav margins without page refresh
# Improved - Customizer: preview Quick Nav margins without page refresh
# Improved - AMP uses mobile logo instead of the default one

# Fixed - Dark Mode: BuddyPress Registration page rendering glitches
# Fixed - Home/Archive Main Collection: rendering glitch of highlighted items without the featured image
# Fixed - ZigZag Template: microdata errors ( schema.org integration )
# Fixed - AdAce Links Before Footer: "Simple list" template is empty
# Fixed - BuddyPress Member Profile: View page is empty
# Fixed - BuddyPress Member Profile: Snax Components have wrong icons
# Fixed - WPML: next/prev pagination items
# Fixed - Snax: Link format views counting broken

VERSION 7.6.1 - minor update - 5 December 2019

# Improved - AdAce Sponsored posts: open sponsor links in new window

# Fixed - Votes counter -1 displayed although Snax plugin is off
# Fixed - WooCommerce: wrong pagination alignment
# Fixed - WooCommerce: unclosed HTML tags

VERSION 7.6 - major update - 28 November 2019

# NEW - NSFW Switcher: added option to show/hide explanation
# NEW - Dark Mode: added color option for header background gradient
# NEW - Dark Mode: added color option for the Boxed Layout
# NEW - Dark Mode Switcher: added option to show/hide explanation
# NEW - Snax Plugin: added progress bar for all quiz types
# NEW - Snax Plugin: added progress bar for all poll types
# NEW - Snax Plugin: added animated GIFs support quiz questions
# NEW - Snax Plugin: added animated GIFs support poll questions
# NEW - Snax Plugin: History collection is now listed in the BuddyPress Member Profile > Collections > Private tab
# NEW - Snax Plugin: Favorites Collection is now listed in the BuddyPress Member Profile > Collections > Private tab
# NEW - Snax Plugin: Read Later collection is now listed in the BuddyPress Member Profile > Collections > Private tab
# NEW - Snax Plugin: redesigned "empty state" in the BuddyPress Member Profile > Collections tab
# NEW - Snax Plugin: redesigned "empty state" in the BuddyPress Member Profile > Votes tab
# NEW - Snax Plugin: redesigned "empty state" in the Latest Votes widget
# NEW - G1 Socials Plugin: added option to enable/disable user social media profiles
# NEW - What's Your Reaction Plugin: redesigned "empty state" in the BuddyPress Member Profile > Reactions tab
# NEW - What's Your Reaction Plugin: redesigned "empty state" in the Latest Reactions widget
# NEW - Allow to change (filter added) login URL when Snax Login Popup is off
# NEW - Youzer: upgraded to the latest version

# Improved - Masonry Layout: optimized loading of javascripts
# Improved - Archive Filters: optimized loading of javascripts
# Improved - Featured Entries: optimized loading of javascripts
# Improved - Ajax Search: optimized loading of javascripts
# Improved - Dark Mode: optimized loading of javascripts
# Improved - NSFW: optimized loading of javascripts
# Improved - WooCommerce Plugin: optimized loading of custom javascripts
# Improved - myCRED Plugin: optimized loading of custom javascripts
# Improved - BuddyPress Plugin: optimized loading of custom javascripts
# Improved - Customizer: added some helpful section descriptions
# Improved - Customizer: preview all logo related options without page refresh
# Improved - Customizer: preview all mobile logo related options without page refresh
# Improved - Customizer: preview "Header > Featured Entries" options without page refresh
# Improved - Customizer: preview "Search > Input placeholder" option without page refresh
# Improved - Customizer: preview "Posts > Single > Sidebar Location" option without page refresh
# Improved - Customizer: preview "Breadcrumbs > Show an ellipsis for longer items" option without page refresh
# Improved - What's Your Reaction Plugin: votes options moved from Customizer to Snax settings panel
# Improved - WPML: homepage injected pages (WP Bakery and Elementor) localized

# Fixed - User Dropdown: margin issues
# Fixed - Ad Inside Header: way to big margins
# Fixed - Categories Shortcode: empty title causes rendering glitch
# Fixed - Dark Mode: option tag is nearly invisible
# Fixed - Customizer: Color control rendering glitch
# Fixed - Gutenberg: Gallery Block rendering glitches
# Fixed - AMP: CSS size limit
# Fixed - WooCommerce pagination broken design
# Fixed - BuddyPress: BP_Walker_Nav warning
# Fixed - myCRED: History Page custom slug doesn't work
# Fixed - bbPress: rendering glitches
# Fixed - Ajax search results still visible when phrase was emptied
# Fixed - Category featured posts layout doesn't work
# Fixed - Vimeo video player failed to load
# Fixed - Collection drop doesn't work on mobile (when load more in use)
# Fixed - What's Your Reaction Plugin: votes number formatting

VERSION 7.5.1 - minor update - 14 November 2019

# NEW - Header Builder: margin option for the mobile logo
# NEW - WordPress 5.3 compatibility

# Improved - Customizer: preview Boxed/Stretched Layout without page refresh
# Improved - Customizer: preview Boxed Layout Background Color without page refresh
# Improved - AdAce slot configuration: Enabled/Disabled icon added next to slot title for better UX
# Improved - AdAce slot configuration: "Edit Ad" button added for better UX
# Improved - Snax: better empty states in the BuddyPress Member Profile > Collections tab
# Improved - WPML: wpml-config.xml added

# Fixed - Header Builder: dark mode glitches for the user dropdown
# Fixed - Header Builder: margin issues for the mobile logo
# Fixed - Select Field: wrong colors for options
# Fixed - WooCommerce: shop products sorting
# Fixed - AMP: page header color issues
# Fixed - AMP: endpoint check failed
# Fixed - Snax: Link format missing button
# Fixed - Snax: External Product format URL not set
# Fixed - Youzer: Box Layout doesn't apply

VERSION 7.5 - major update - 7 November 2019

# NEW - ThisIsWhatIWant demo
# NEW - Snax Plugin: External Product format
# NEW - Header Builder: every element has got its own section
# NEW - Show subcategories inside a category page header
# NEW - Gallery post format: optional icon on featured image
# NEW - Redesigned and unified NSFW icon
# NEW - User Dropdown: added user overview
# NEW - Cart Dropdown: added "Go to the Shop" link if cart is empty
# NEW - AdAce Plugin: Elementor Page Builder integration
# NEW - AdAce Plugin: allow shortcodes in custom ad code
# NEW - G1 Socials Plugin: VKontakte network for social login
# NEW - G1 Socials Plugin: new Instagram Basic Display API
# NEW - Snax Plugin: social login integration for bbPress login form

# Improved - Header Builder: better option order
# Improved - Header Builder: more precised labels
# Improved - Categories Shortcode: includes only top-level categories
# Improved - Posts Collection Template "Bunchy": h3 instead of h2 for entry titles
# Improved - AdAce ad links: added ref="nofollow noopener"
# Improved - Snax Link Format: URL is visible during edition
# Improved - What's Your Reaction plugin: reaction count is rendered with thousand separators
# Improved - WooCommerce 3.8.0 compatible templates
# Improved - Elementor Page Builder: better design integration for the Button element
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons Plugins: upgraded to the latest version

# Fixed - Global Featured Entries: scrolling doesn't work on some Android devices
# Fixed - Home|Archive Template "Classic with Sidebar": not enough space between entries
# Fixed - Home|Archive Template "Classic with Sidebar": missing subtitle
# Fixed - Home|Archive Template "Classic with Sidebar": missing some call to action buttons
# Fixed - Customizer: double escaping for option names
# Fixed - NSFW disclaimer not covering the entire image
# Fixed - Cards: rendering glitch with .g1-box class
# Fixed - Single category/tag options (e.g. hide Newsletter, Ad, Product) doesn't work
# Fixed - G1 Socials Plugin: BuddyPress member profile edit page, meaningless heading for social profiles
# Fixed - G1 Socials Plugin: BuddyPress member profile edit page, h3 instead of h2 heading for social profiles
# Fixed - G1 Socials Plugin: social icons missing in plugin settings
# Fixed - G1 Socials Plugin: RTL admin styling
# Fixed - What's Your Reaction Plugin: translation phrases
# Fixed - AdAce: Links Before Main Collection don't show up if category is not selected
# Fixed - AdAce: Links Before Footer don't show up if category is not selected
# Fixed - BuddyPress: XProfile dependency
# Fixed - BuddyPress Group Creation: misaligned tabs
# Fixed - myCRED Points Widget: "View All Points" link is visible if the Points History is disabled
# Fixed - WP Bakery plugin dependency
# Fixed - Facebook Comments Plugin: locale
# Fixed - Snax Plugin: Disable notification after voting on own posts
# Fixed - Snax Plugin: open post comments, if enabled in Discussion settings, after post publication
# Fixed - Snax Plugin: remove #_=_ from URL when Facebook successfully authenticates a user
# Fixed - Snax Plugin: missing featured image after upload (Poll/Quiz format)
# Fixed - Snax Plugin: category whitelist doesn't work

VERSION 7.4.6 - minor update - 18 October 2019

# Fixed - Snax: Next question button inactive after changing answer
# Fixed - Scripts dependencies

VERSION 7.4.5 - minor update - 17 October 2019

# NEW - Link post format: optional icon on featured image
# NEW - Breadcrumbs: option to disable text ellipsis
# NEW - Embeds: Gfycat support
# NEW - Option to change "Visit direct site" button label
# NEW - Snax: Allow users to change quiz answer

# Improved - WooCommerce: product loop looks more consistent
# Improved - Speed: JavaScript loading
# Improved - Snax: URL var in Permalinks allows to change "snax_" in URL for all Snax components
# Improved - Snax: redirect to first question if quiz started on wrong page

# Fixed - Static Homepage: page header is visible
# Fixed - Single Post Template "Classic v2": missing top padding
# Fixed - Archive Featured Posts Template "4 mixed v1, stretched": overflow issue
# Fixed - Featured Member Widget: misaligned badges
# Fixed - Snax: missing icons on frontend uploader
# Fixed - Snax: Audio/Video embed can't be added to an existing list
# Fixed - bbPress: login form widget rendering glitch
# Fixed - BuddyPress: public group icon looks wrong
# Fixed - Youzer: Dark Mode fixes
# Fixed - Youzer: the "Bulk actions" dropdown on the Notifications page is not visible

VERSION 7.4.4 - minor update - 3 October 2019

# BETA - Youzer Plugin integration
# BETA - Elementor Page Builder Plugin integration
# BETA - Easy Social Share Buttons Plugin integration

# Improved - rel="noopener" added to all social media profile links
# Improved - filter to exclude Sold Out products from being injected

# Fixed - letter-spacing typography option doesn't keep state
# Fixed - Footer Stamp accessibility
# Fixed - Snax: WP Login Form can't be disabled
# Fixed - Snax: Polls/Quizzes category whitelist is ignored

VERSION 7.4.3 - minor update - 26 September 2019

# NEW - Snax: Social Login, use user social profile picture as avatar
# NEW - Snax: Social Login, possibility to change template in locations (popup, register page)

# Improved - bbPress: breadcrumbs navigation is visible on forum subpages
# Improved - Snax: Social Login, error message popup

# Fixed - G1 Socials: Instagram misaligned images
# Fixed - Twitter share
# Fixed - Dark Mode: footer accent color is missing
# Fixed - Snax: Twitter share title wrong encoding
# Fixed - Snax: voting box visible on unapproved posts
# Fixed - What's Your Reaction: voting box visible on unapproved posts
# Fixed - Breadcrumbs: structured data errors

VERSION 7.4.2 - minor update - 19 September 2019

# Fixed - G1 Socials: Instagram
# Fixed - Cards: misaligned comment author avatar
# Fixed - Snax: Latest Votes widget is missing vote icons
# Fixed - Snax: Submit for Review button active during submission
# Fixed - Snax: Waiting Room available even the option disabled in settings
# Fixed - bbPress: login form is not clickable

VERSION 7.4.1 - minor update - 11 September 2019

# BETA - Snax: built-in Social Login

# Fixed - AMP charset fix
# Fixed - Classic Editor: post content is misaligned
# Fixed - Dark Mode: hover colors
# Fixed - BuddyPress Single Group Profile: Join Group button is missing for logged out users
# Fixed - Featured Entries: titles are not clickable if featured image is missing
# Fixed - Voting

VERSION 7.4 - major update - 5 September 2019

# NEW - BuddyPress Groups full integration
# NEW - Snax: option to change voting icons (6 sets available)
# NEW - Global Featured Entries available on archive pages
# NEW - G1 Socials: added Discord
# NEW - What's Your Reaction: added reaction date
# NEW - Auto load next posts from the same category

# Improved - Snax: prevent double clicking on submit buttons in the frontend submission form
# Improved - G1 Socials: YouTube widget detailed error message for admin
# Improved - WPBakery Page Builder upgraded to the latest version
# Improved - WooCommerce 3.7.0 templates compatibility
# Improved - Documentation updated

# Fixed - Logo alignment
# Fixed - MailChimp for WP: "Agree to Terms" field is not visible
# Fixed - BuddyPress: default cover image works on members directory too
# Fixed - BuddyPress: Single Member Profile Avatar is stretched out
# Fixed - Snax: missing translations
# Fixed - Snax: add item to list from URL doesn't work
# Fixed - AMP CSS limit

VERSION 7.3.2 - minor update - 29 July 2019

# Improvement - Cards settings for the search page
# Improvement - Home|Archive Featured Entries better responsiveness
# Improvement - Categories shortcode query args filter added
# Improvement - Hide votes and reactions if post is restricted
# Improvement - Snax: Edit post link added on posts list (backend)

# Fixed - Breadcrumbs padding issues
# Fixed - AMP CSS limit error
# Fixed - MediaAce: gallery share buttons are missing on mobiles
# Fixed - Snax: reply on comment doesn't work on a single Snax Item page
# Fixed - Snax: Missing menu on snax collection archive
# Fixed - Snax: items are not visible on AMP
# Fixed - Sidebar is not responsive on some post templates
# Fixed - Misaligned "Classis without Sidebar" post template
# Fixed - Mega Menu causes horizontal scroll on some screen resolutions
# Fixed - Translations (e.g myCRED levels)
# Fixed - Inactive formats are available in BuddyPress profile posts filter
# Fixed - PHP notices and warnings
VERSION 7.4.6 – minor update – 18 October 2019

# Fixed - Snax: Next question button inactive after changing answer
# Fixed - Scripts dependencies

VERSION 7.4.5 – minor update – 17 October 2019

# NEW - Link post format: optional icon on featured image
# NEW - Breadcrumbs: option to disable text ellipsis
# NEW - Embeds: Gfycat support
# NEW - Option to change "Visit direct site" button label
# NEW - Snax: Allow users to change quiz answer

# Improved - WooCommerce: product loop looks more consistent
# Improved - Speed: JavaScript loading
# Improved - Snax: URL var in Permalinks allows to change "snax_" in URL for all Snax components
# Improved - Snax: redirect to first question if quiz started on wrong page

# Fixed - Static Homepage: page header is visible
# Fixed - Single Post Template "Classic v2": missing top padding
# Fixed - Archive Featured Posts Template "4 mixed v1, stretched": overflow issue
# Fixed - Featured Member Widget: misaligned badges
# Fixed - Snax: missing icons on frontend uploader
# Fixed - bbPress: login form widget rendering glitch
# Fixed - BuddyPress: public group icon looks is wrong
# Fixed - Youzer: Dark Mode fixes
# Fixed - Youzer: the "Bulk actions" dropdown on the Notifications page is not visible
# Fixed - Audio/Video embed can't be added to an existing list