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XenForo 2.1.1 Nulled By ScriptGates.ru

[РЕЛИЗ 2.x] XenForo 2.1.1 Nulled By ScriptGates.ru 2.1.1

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XenForo 2.1.1 Nulled By ScriptGates.ru

Вы соглашаетесь с тем, что загружаемый вами контент предназначен только для тестирования и не должен использоваться для коммерческого использования или в качестве конечного продукта на живом сайте.

Рады представить вам выход релиза XenForo 2.1.1. Мы рекомендуем всем клиентам, использующим предыдущие версии XenForo 2.1, обновить до этой версии, чтобы повысить стабильность.

Мы также внесли некоторые улучшения в структуру импорта. Примечательно, что теперь стало возможным выполнять многопроцессорный импорт, чтобы лучше использовать многоядерные процессоры. Если вы запускаете импорт через CLI и добавите опцию --processes со значением больше 1, тогда для выполнения импорта будет использоваться несколько процессов PHP, вместо одного ядра ЦП, которое используется по умолчанию в PHP. Ваши результаты могут отличаться, но с числом процессов, установленным равным количеству физических ядер на достаточно мощном сервере, заметите значительное увеличение производительности.
  • Solve a critical bug which may allow an extreme number of push subscriptions to be inserted.
  • When pasting tables into the RTE, remove the rowspan/colspan attributes as they aren't supported. For any rows that don't have enough cells, append additional cells to the end (which is what the BB code renderer would do).
  • When converting emoji shortcodes, ignore any that are also smilies. This effectively prioritizes smilies over emojis on conflict. Adjust the emoji autocompleter to match this behavior.
  • Don't set a default alt when inserting an attachment into the rich text editor. (If no alt is present, when rendered, it will default to the filename.)
  • Ensure that auto-completion does not insert an HTML-encoded value when doing a text-based completion.
  • Ensure that textareas and code editors do not trim the values received before they are displayed.
  • Use the absolute date and time for poll closing when editing a poll to ensure a consistent wording for the sentence structure.
  • Add alt attributes to reaction <img> elements.
  • Support editor icons in specific FA packs by specifying the icon as "fa(l|r|s|b) fa-icon-name".
  • Ensure that we use the push receiver's language when rendering a push notification from a template.
  • Send cache-control: no-cache for error images displayed by the image proxy. For successful fetches, set the max-age of the result based on when the next refresh is planned (and if unknown, cache for a day).
  • Support Markdown image embedding without any alt text and maintain the alt text from Markdown image embeds.
  • For min-max options, add validation to ensure that the max is never less than the min.
  • When adding an avatar URL to a registration, only apply the avatar if the user would have permission (once their account is in the valid state).
  • Don't set a length when setting up boolean columns in the schema manager as we don't actually output this for integer types.
  • Re-enable ctrl/cmd+enter to submit textareas by default
  • Fix an issue where some inline styling (such as colors) before a video can cause text to disappear unexpectedly.
  • Prevent LESS compilation errors if removing certain style property elements (namely ones passed into H-scroller variations).
  • Disable inline Markdown matches that are known to be smilies. (Note this only applies to exact matches.)
  • Prevent URLs from being unfurled in signatures.
  • Fix a situation where a URL would be double auto-linked if it started with www and was on its own line.
  • Dynamically adjust the RTE z-index so that editor overlays work as expected when the editor is within an overlay itself
  • Prevent an error if there is an orphaned user connected account record (for a user that doesn't exist) if that connected account is then re-associated with another user.
  • When counting line limits in signatures, ensure that URLs are not unfurled as this will give an incorrect line count.
  • Prevent duplicate key error from push subscription update.
  • When listing watched forums, properly display forums that are children of nodes that are not displayed in the node list.
  • Provide extra space in the structured list "meta" information (replies and views) cell for longer translations.
  • Allow category_view template to have search constraints for "This category".
  • Adjust phrase used on Google Analytics Web Property ID option phrase.
  • Correctly use the payment profile display title when displaying a list of payment profiles if a display title is defined.
  • Re-jig the wording and details of the Stripe payment profile page somewhat in an attempt to make the required steps clearer and ensure the instructions of where to find things is correct.
  • Clarify the format of the expected event hint for the editor_dialog event. We coerce the dialog name to be alphanumeric so essentially anything beyond a-z/0-9 is stripped.
  • Remove unused bit of code in the GA template.
  • Ensure we include the fullUnicode default for new installs in the config.php.default file.
  • When testing for push support, check we have access to the Notification API also.
  • Use the correct error phrase when a profile post spam decision has been set to denied.
  • Add support for the iso6 ftype when detecting whether we have a valid MP4 video.
  • Use a standard textbox (of password type) for the SMTP password as we do not require strength checking or hide/show buttons there.
  • Ensure that each editor instance starts with an empty set of buttons to remove so that removals only affect the desired editor.
  • Sort the locale list when editing a language in an accent insensitive way.
  • Display an error if no templates or style properties have been marked for mass reversion.
  • Ensure a user cannot be following or ignoring themselves as a result of a merge, and rebuild following caches correctly.
  • Automatically suggest a name for the import log table, based on the importer class name and a numeric suffix.
  • Adjust positioning of reaction summary on the thread list.
  • Update LightGallery to the latest version in order to fix an issue with the slideshow pause button.
  • Use correct function name for reaction score ratio criteria.
  • Use a slightly more strict regex when detecting shortcodes in order to not necessarily attempt to replace embedded shortcodes, especially those inside URLs.
  • Improve behaviour of lists in content when they are used adjacent to floated images.
  • When inserting the description received by XF.DescLoader.onLoad run it through XF.setupHtmlInsert to ensure the resulting HTML is activated and any new JS is initialized.
  • When validating email addresses when handling email bounces, do so in a non-strict mode and ignore minor errors.
  • Exclude disabled reactions from the thread list reaction summaries.
  • Adjust usernameLength option so the max value cannot exceed 50 (the hardcoded username limit). Also apply that max value to the register form, rather than the max username limit (50).
  • Ensure a permission check happens at the point of running a search.
  • Prevent an error when building the backtrace of an error message that has no arguments.
  • When deleting a reaction definition, delete all reactions of that type to ensure correct and consistent behavior.
  • Add contentType values to the Report/ReportComment entity structure.
  • Add a hint which suggests that adding bookmark labels is optional.
  • Support passing in a custom perPage value to entityColumnsToJson and tableColumnsToJson methods. Set XF:ErrorLog.request_state to do only 300 per page - this table's records are quite data heavy and has been seen to exhaust memory limits.
  • Delay logging when inserting an emoji via the editor menu so that the emojis do not switch position until 1.5 seconds after you stop inserting emojis.
  • Change the double-encoded &amp;amp; to simply &amp; in the custom field edit template.
  • For consistency with similar option groups, separate the "Enable content tagging" option from the other options on the page.
  • Ensure the tagLength option cannot exceed a maximum length of 100.
  • Fix next/prev month button color in the date picker and allow date ranges to pull colors from the style properties.
  • Apply the body font family to message previews.
  • When processing ajax responses, activate HTML elements after executing any inline scripts.
  • Allow detection of failed unfurl image loads even when the image proxy is enabled.
  • Add new template extension points for member_macros in the XF:action_groups:eek:uter_start and XF:action_groups:eek:uter_end positions.
  • Display the enableTrophies option on the user-title-ladder page so that the trophy points option can be kept disabled or re-enabled if trophies are being enabled/disabled.
  • Only apply the "Show value" option to member stats if the sort order is numeric (by default, if the sort order is not "username").
  • In some option templates, protect against invalid user ID data
  • Fix accidental N+1 query behavior on received reactions page and ensure consistent "all" vs type-specific counts.
  • Remove the default values for first_post_reaction_score in the Thread searcher, similar to the reaction_score in the User searcher.
  • Improve performance of loading the editor emoji menu on Android devices.
  • Remove inconsistent <b> tags from notice edit message explain phrase.
  • Add missing fal class in the core_contentrow less.
  • Remove commented out menu headers from navigation item menus.
  • Always apply the default prefix for a forum on reports sent into a forum.
  • Make it easier to add additional menus/buttons to the member tooltip/member view template.
  • Trigger class extension hint file to be rebuilt on class extension import.
  • When navigating directly to the post-thread page for a forum, attempt to use a predefined title (from the title URL param) if it is available.
  • Fix code event description argument list for app_admin_render_page event.
  • Add aria-hidden="true" to share icon placeholders.
  • In filter lists, do not count rows which we have forced to show - they most likely represent information rather than found results.
  • Do not duplicate the data-xf-init attribute on the prefix_input template.
  • Use SFS' load balanced API for SFS lookups. (Submissions do not appear to have changed).
  • Parse user mentions before MD parsing to avoid issues with user names that have valid MD-style markup.
  • Use a sufficient number of backslashes (5!) to appropriately escape the fnMaxLength templater function shortname regex.
  • Replace all hard-coded instances of N/A to the n_a phrase.
  • Swap order of filters and additional params on the forum_view "Show older items" link.
  • Add aria-hidden="true" to icon placeholder in the react HTML.
  • Hide links within ispoilers (and make them clicking the link not trigger while the spoiler is blurred).
  • Prevent an InvalidStateError in some cases with the numberbox input. Also change its support detection and prevent the stepping starting from an unexpected number.
  • Allow content_username and content_user_id to be empty/0 by default in the moderator log.
  • When navigating to a cached page, use conversation/alert unread counters from the most recent stored data, rather than what may have been included with the cached result.

  • app_nav.less
  • app_sectionlinks.less
  • app_staffbar.less
  • bb_code.less
  • bb_code_preview.less
  • bookmark_edit
  • bookmark_macros
  • category_view
  • core_bbcode.less
  • core_block.less
  • core_contentrow.less
  • core_menu.less
  • core_pikaday.less
  • core_tab.less
  • editor.less
  • forum_post_thread
  • forum_view
  • google_analytics
  • member_macros
  • member_tooltip
  • member_view
  • poll_macros
  • prefix_input
  • register_form
  • register_macros
  • share_page_macros
  • structured_list.less
  • thread_list_macros

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Вы соглашаетесь с тем, что загружаемый вами контент предназначен только для тестирования и не должен использоваться для коммерческого использования или в качестве конечного продукта на живом сайте.

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